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  • Bound Bed
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    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed

    Clip Description

    Micro foam tape over the mouth is so nice…or at least it’s nice at first, angel struggles for air in this one as the tape comes off and goes back on a few times, then angel gets a little pillow talk, as the micro foam pillow gets pushed over her face causing her to struggle and beg for air, and then we finish angel off with, what else, a nice bagging.

    Clip Duration:      8 minutes
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    wmv86.96 MB

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    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed

    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed

    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed

    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed

    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed

    Breathless Angel - Bound Bed
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    Chair Bagged And  Part 4 - This is the only video evidence ever captured on film of the reclusive "opisthotonus" or "death pose", as described below... Nobody scientifically has ever captured this event you see at the end of this clip in a non-lethal form... Ever... So this is the rarist of rare clips in non-lethal ********

* opisthotonus - 

opisthotonus or opisthotonos, from greek roots, ὄπισθεν, opisthen meaning "behind" and τόνος tonos meaning "tension", is a state of severe hyperextension and spasticityin which an individual's head, neck and spinal column enter into a complete "bridging" or "arching" position.[1][2] opisthotonus is seen with ******** victims - called the "opisthotonic death pose".

* death pose
the cause of this posture—sometimes called a "death pose"—has been a matter of scientific debate. 
faux and padian suggested in 2007 that the live animal was suffering opisthotonus during its death throes, and that the pose is not the result of any post-mortem process at all. They also reject the idea of water as responsible for randomly arranging the bodies in a "death pose", as different parts of the body and the limbs can be in different directions, which they found unlikely to be the result of moving water.[3] they also found that the claim that drying out of ligaments would make the position does not seem believable either.

    Pool  Part 4 - Dunking, dunking and more dunking, angel just can’t seem to find her feet in this one.  Dem flips her one way and then the next, an already light headed angel don’t know which way is up, as her body turns and fights against her bonds dems lets her up for a few seconds to catch her breath and then back under she goes.

    Weather Balloon Fear Part 3 - What angel likes to call her scariest session to date, she finds herself bound helplessly to a chair, and her head wrapped in an extremely pliable, thin sheet of latex. No acting here people, angel’s fear is the real deal, and so are the tears at the end!

    Bathtub Devils Mask - We start out this video with angel wearing the black hood of water death, and she is getting pretty weak.  After some hard struggling, and a good amount of panic, dem decides to get her back into the normal red lycra hood again.

    Livingroom Chair Bagging 2 - Honest to goodness. You know angel really wants air when she sucks a hole in the plastic bag she is being smothered with. You know when it happens as you can hear the loud pop! Come from the bag snapping. Some more wonderful close-ups in this video, and some excellent gasps and struggling are abound! Enjoy!

    Sunbathing  Part 1 - Pretty much consider this one to be one of those “lost videos” that you always see popping up from old tv shows and whatnot . . . It doesn’t exist, dem is an idiot. He accidentally deleted it.

    Angel And The Gas Mask Water Breather - Angel gets to have some real fun . . . Well, once dem fixes the gas mask. Then she gets to have some real fun, fighting for air against a water bottle.

    On The Bed I - Fun is fun, but nothing is more fun to demetrius than playing around with angel and that pesky, dreaded latex sheet. In her already weakened state, demetrius takes full advantage of a tired and hogtied angel. All with a smile on his face, what a guy!

    Chair Tied And Latex Smothered - Now he really gets angel to freak out, right from the very beginning of this one, and what an excellent job by angel  on as long as she does. A huge exhale and a gasp of breath later, and demetrius is right back wrapping her head with a latex sheet. No reast for the weary . . .

    Reacquainting With The Bag - As we all know, angel and dem have been out of it a long while, and they are trying to slowly get angel back into proper condition for the long-hauls. This session on the bed has angel gasping for air, and realizing that she has lost her touch, but doesn't seem as if dem has lost his.

    Taped Breath Panic Part 4 - As much as demetrius loves using the nose-plugs on angel, they were just too easy for her to remove, so he decides to try some of that wonderful micro-foam tape to cover her nose too . . . Talk about the right tool for the job, and man, can that woman panic or what?!

    Hogtie Bagging Day Pt Ii Hd - Angel felt that it had been far too long since a bagging had been done (wtf?), So that was the new session to be done. Dem, not one to argue these things, opted to agree with angel, and humor her fantsy. With a little twist - she was going to be tied into a hogtie and a ********* hogtie at that...

everything was going as planned, until dem decided to do a little fucking around, and might have intentionally not noticed her safe-word/safe sign right away, as well as done the big no-no of performing a little hom over the bag while angel was occupied with finding air...

thank goodness there was multiple bags being used, so she had a break now and then... Kinda...

    Bed Bound Taped - Black bikini, rope and tape what fun!!  Well it sounded like a good idea to start off with, but angel quickly realizes that the combination of the three isn’t much fun at all, as she fights against the ropes and tape to get in one last breath.

    Suspended  Part 4 - Little bit of tape and a lot of moaning, angel gets to remember what the tape feels like.  Dem likes to mess with angels head with it comes to taping up angel, and just to be sure the tape isn’t going to give way he adds a little bit more.  This is an exciting video that ends with a twist that involves another bag. (Hint: angel gets to dream at the end) enjoy.

    Pantyhose Armbinder Rebreathing Part 1 - Demetrius tries something a little new with angel this time around. Placing her arms in one leg of a set of nylons, he devilishly tickles her and plays with her breath, cupping his hand over her mouth and nose. Angel squirms delightfully in this vid, and as usual, makes some wonderful sounds.

    Armbinder And Corset - Angel is bound with a nice and fitting rubber armbinder, and then a neck collar/ring gag combination to seal her up nice and tidy. Dem tries to use a bit of rubber sheeting to  her with, but when that doesn't work, he does the next best thing, toys with her breath her until she **********.

    Angel Bedtime Play 251253 - Angel had a rough day, that can only get rougher with the addition of a corset and an armbinder. Dem decides to get out the swimcaps, and start having some fun.

    Coffee Table Tape - Now here’s something you don’t get to see everyday, angel tied to a table. Although, she gets sassier and sassier every moment, the table gets the best of her, and she learns that sometimes, tape isn’t your friend when trying to breathe!

it's a little spendy, but for 27 minutes of quality ********** that's real, you won't find a better deal anywhere on the internet.

you will save yourself 11.00 purchasing this instead of all 5 seperate clips.

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